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Spotify rolls out a new tool for artists to promote their creations

Written by Admin | Sep 21, 2023 10:47:32 AM
Spotify rolls out a new tool for artists: 'Songwriter Promo Cards' to spotlight tracks and engage listeners on social media.

Today, Spotify unveiled "Songwriter Promo Cards," a new feature aimed at helping songwriters showcase their tracks and connect with fresh audiences and potential partners.

These Promo Cards are tailor-made graphics for social media, which songwriters can design at By searching their name, picking their profile, and choosing a suitable background color, songwriters can craft these cards. Each card is linked to the songwriter's Spotify profile, making it shareable on various social platforms.

The best part? There's no need to log in to create a card, allowing even fans to celebrate and promote their beloved songwriters.

Spotify also introduced a "Written By" playlist on every Songwriter Page, making it simpler for fans to explore all tracks penned by a particular songwriter.

Spotify's Promo Cards, launched in 2020, were a nod to the trend of artists leveraging social media to grow their audience. This tool isn't exclusive to musicians; podcasters and writers can use it too.

Image: Spotify

The spotlight on songwriters has been a topic of discussion, with many believing they're often overshadowed. In 2021, renowned songwriters like Emily Warren and Justin Tranter, who've crafted hits for stars like Dua Lipa and Selena Gomez, voiced their concerns about the industry's recognition. Spotify's Promo Cards aim to give these talents a platform to shine and earn the acknowledgment they merit.

In an official statement, Spotify shared, "Since debuting Songwriter Pages in 2020, we've noticed users delving into the minds behind their top tracks. Our mission remains to refine how music is discovered, cherished, and relished globally."

Spotify highlighted that ever since it started showcasing song credits in 2018, there's been a surge in labels and distributors acknowledging songwriters in new releases. The platform has become a hub for many in the industry, from labels to artists, to discover songwriting talents.

This announcement follows closely after Spotify's recent introduction of "Showcase," a feature that lets artists highlight their tracks directly to listeners' Home feeds.

In the evolving digital music landscape, tools like Spotify's Promo Cards play a pivotal role in artist recognition. Similarly, at Band of Coders, we understand the importance of visibility and tailored solutions in the tech world. If you're looking to navigate the digital realm effectively, our team is here to assist. Connect with us for a seamless digital experience.