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New Hands-Free and Eyes-Free Features Coming Soon to Android

Written by Admin | May 30, 2024 6:11:41 PM

Google celebrated Accessibility Awareness Day by showcasing some exciting updates coming to Android for users with mobility or vision impairments.

Play Games with Just a Wink: Imagine controlling your favorite mobile games using facial expressions. Project Gameface, originally a desktop solution, is making its way to Android. This innovative tool allows people with limited mobility to leverage eyebrow raises, mouth movements, and head turns to activate in-game functions.  The beauty lies in its customization – you can tailor these gestures to perfectly suit your needs.

Express Yourself with Emojis (and More!):  Typing can be a hurdle for some. The new "look to speak" mode removes that barrier. Choose and send emojis to represent phrases or actions, making communication faster and more convenient. Want to take it a step further? Personalize it by adding photos. Imagine having frequently used contacts or phrases linked to specific pictures, all accessible with a quick glance.

See the World Through Your Phone (in Greater Detail): Existing tools help visually impaired users identify objects using their phone's camera. Google is pushing the boundaries with custom object recognition. Set your phone to describe specific things you encounter, like a favorite mug on your desk, not just generic objects in the viewfinder.

Image: Google

These are just a glimpse of Google's commitment to making Android inclusive for everyone. Accessibility features, though often overlooked, hold immense power to transform lives.

Ready to make your own technology user-friendly for all? Band of Coders is a team passionate about crafting inclusive solutions. We have the expertise to guide you in building features that empower everyone and navigate the ever-changing tech landscape. Get in touch today and let's discuss how we can turn your vision into a reality for all users.